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Indigenous Perspectives on Archaeology
We are doing a study on the perspectives and opinions of Indigenous communities involved in archaeology across Canada and the US. We want to hear your experiences! Have you worked in archaeology? What are your thoughts on the discipline? What tools could create meaningful and respectful collaboration between archaeologists and Indigenous communities?
We are looking for ways to foster partnerships and improve communication between archaeologists and Indigenous communities through our archaeological software STRATUM. We are hoping to use your responses to make a better software that takes account of Indigenous concerns and interests. We would like to do an interview with YOU!
Your answers will be kept completely confidential, and you will remain anonymous, unless you explicitly request to be recognized and credited for your contribution.
After the interview, you will be compensated for your time with a one-time payment of $20 via etransfer or cheque.
Your responses will be used to help us design and develop our field notes tool and they may be used in publications, again, completely anonymously (unless requested otherwise).
You can also drop out of the study at any time and your responses will not be used.
If you would like to participate, please contact
This project has been reviewed by the UNB Research Ethics Board and is on file as REB 2022-136.